In A Search Of A New World

3 min readSep 14, 2020
Photo Courtesy: [6].

Hello, everyone! This is my first post on Medium. But I am not necessarily new to writing. I am quite active on Quora and casually write on my personal blog as well.

Back in 2016 when I first started blogging, I wrote a couple of fictional stories about life on Mars [3],[4] following Elon Musk and his SpaceX’s plan to colonize Mars.

Fast forward to 2020, with a global pandemic like COVID-19 and weird apocalyptic weather patterns like the recent orange sky on the west coast, we must say, we should think about expediting the process of colonizing other planets sooner than later.

Yes, we have a higher chance of dying trying to be the first generation settlers on Mars. But we have a pretty decent chance of dying because of germs, viruses, or natural disasters on earth as well. A while ago I predicted that due to the rapid climate change, the earth might become mostly uninhabitable within the next 200–500 years. Another global war can reduce that life-span within only 200 years.

Elon Musk, a while ago, also talked about some weird “law of physics” defying Mars terraforming ideas too [5]!

In any case, my guess is that it would take a couple of hundred years to actually establish a decent Mars and moon settlement if we rapid up the process of multi-planetary colonization starting in recent years. And…




A senior electrical engineer and lifelong Science & Tech Enthusiast. Active on WordPress, Quora, and Patreon.